So here is my little family..come visit us, see how my Jessica and Jacob are growing up right before my eyes...Love Shawna
Well it is that time of year again..T-Ball season. Jake is on the Giants again, Yahooooo!! He is so darn cute out on the field...VERY serious about the game. I love to watch his games, he really makes me proud. Kids are so wonderful, just little small things they do can make your day!! I asked Jake what his favorite thing about T-ball was, and he said the snack..well if you k now my Jake that is NOT a surprise!! Way to go Boy!! Love you lots..Mommy
Hey all....Well GREAT NEWS....I will be starting RN school in August!!! Yahoo!!!! I am so excited, finally light at the end of my tunnel! Thanks to all for the prayers of support, They worked...2009 here we come!!! Luv Shawna